What Algorithms Are Taught in ACLS Classes?
ACLS classes (Advanced cardiac life support classes) can be a beneficial form of first aid training. They can help you in many situations where the life of a patient is endangered. You might be wondering what these situations can be and what algorithms need to be followed in such cases. Listed below are some of the cases and steps which are included in CLS training.
Cardiac arrest with and without pulse
One of the algorithms and situations which are included in ACLS classes are cardiac arrest with and without pulse.This type of life-threatening affliction is among the common kinds to occur. In such cases, the trained individual will have to identify the cause and intervene. This includes determining if the patient has a pulse or not if there are signs of breathing and others. Depending on the visible vital signs and condition, the trained person may have to perform a BLS, PEA, or asystole method.
Acute coronary syndromes
Another situation which is included in professional ACLS classes is acute coronary syndromes. These are also among the common kinds of life-threatening afflictions. In such cases, the trained person has to identify and treat the cause for the STEMI (ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction). For the task, they will use a 12-lead ECG to determine the rhythm of the patient. Based on the results they will initiate the respective ACS algorithm.
Brady and Tachycardia
Another type of situation included in ACLS classes are treatment of brady and tachycardia. These cardiac afflictions can lead to the death of the patient if untreated in a timely manner. The algorithm used depends on the source of the problem. In the case of the bradycardia an AED may need to be used based on beforehand assessment. While the tachycardia may need vagal maneuvers and adenosine based on stability of the heart rate.
There are several situations and algorithms included in ACLS training. These include cardiac arrest with and without a pulse. Acute coronary syndromes which include using an ECG to determine the problem. And brady and tachycardia with can include the use of adenosine or AED. If you would like to learn more, contact a professional ACLS class center. An example of one such center is Texas CPR Academy in Spring, TX.